4 Quotes & Sayings By Martina Cole

Martina Cole is the author of over thirty-five novels. She was born in London, grew up in Rugby, Warwickshire and now lives near Bath, Somerset. After graduating from University College London, she spent seven years editing the Sunday Mirror. She has worked as a journalist, newsreader and television presenter, and was the youngest person ever to be snapped up by Granada Television as a trainee programme-maker Read more

The firm she formed with her husband became one of Britain's most successful production companies. Four of her novels for young readers have been adapted for television. Her latest book, The Last Supper , is published by HarperCollins Children's Books.

He had found many years ago before that if you kept very quiet people filled in the silences themselves, offering more information than they had originally intended to give. Martina Cole
People only know what you tell them. And it was true. People gave out their whole life stories to anyone and everyone without a second's thought. Stand at a bus stop, sit in a strange pub, get banged up, and someone would always give you their life story. It was as if they were trying to prove they existed Martina Cole
‎"If the person you were fighting had any kind of wound, worry it and keep at it And the pain would be much more intense. It was the psychological angle and all. Once a cut was there, it was human nature to try to protect it from more harm. Martina Cole